The Current world demands abundant clean, safe, and affordable energy. Our planet needs to sustain a healthy and protected environment. Together, we find innovative solutions that advance our local, national, and global communities. Thus, the vision of IEES has been set out to provide a platform for teaching-learning in advanced research and innovation in the fields of energy and environmental technologies to contribute to national and global socio-economic development. The institute currently offers a postgraduate diploma in Energy Engineering(PGD in EE) and in Environmental Engineering (PGD in Env. E). The Candidates having a graduation degree from any technical or nontechnical discipline are eligible to apply in IEES to pursue the aforementioned diploma. The institute will also offer postgraduate degrees (MPhil, MSc. and Ph.D.) shortly including diverse research areas under energy and environmental engineering. Training programs and course works of postgraduate studies are conducted by the faculty members of this institute as well as other faculty members in relevant fields of RUET. The students may also select supervisors for their project/ research works from the institute’s full-time faculties or regular faculties of other disciplines at this university.
Research of this institute is organized into the six strategic themes below that bring focus to the mission of our institute:
The institute looks forward to producing experts in the fields of energy and environmental technologies for national and global job markets. I invite you to explore our website to learn more about the faculties, research activities, and diverse programs. Whether you are a current or former student, a potential student, or a visitor, please feel free to contact or visit us.
Dr. Md. Nurul Islam
Director, RUET